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Tax Payment Options

Tax Payment Options

If you're not able to pay the tax you owe by your original tax filing due date, the balance is subject to interest and a monthly late payment penalty.

There's also a penalty for failure to file a tax return, so you should file timely even if you can't pay your balance in full.

It's always in your best interest to pay in full as soon as you can to minimize the additional charges.

Below are various methods you can use to pay your IRS tax liability.

1-You can pay the tax due either with a check or money order mailed to the IRS with a payment voucher.

2-You can pay by having the tax due withdrawn from your bank account.

3-You can also use a credit card or debit card to pay the tax due using the IRS website and IRS approved payment vendors.

4-You may qualify for additional time (up to 120 days) to pay in full (Full Payment Agreements Up To 120-Days) by setting up this agreement using the Online Payment Agreement or OPA application or by calling the IRS at 800-829-1040 (individuals) or 800-829-4933 (businesses). There's no fee; however applicable penalties and interest continue to accrue until your tax liablity has been paid in full.

5-If you're eligible you can pay by setting up a monthly installment  payment agreement plan with the IRS.

6-If you can't pay any of the amount due because payment would prevent you form meeting your basis living expenses, you can request that the IRS delay collection until you're able to pay with an Temporarily Delay Collection.

7-You may propose a Partial Payment Installment Agreement (PPIA) of an Offer In Compromise (OIC) with the IRS.

8-Finally, you may enter into a Payroll Deduction Installment Agreement with you, your employer and the IRS.

CALL 561-746-1926 or 561-339-8102 NOW if you have any questions or would like to schedule a FREE, Confidential, No-Obligation Tax-Saving Consultation.