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If you are unable to file your personal or business federal income tax return by the initial due date, you will need to file a extension (by the initial due date) to avoid paying the IRS a late filing penalty.

NOTE: An extension to file is NOT an extension to pay tax due.

To avoid IRS penalties and interest charges, you will need to estimate the tax due and make the payment with your extension.

If you cannot pay the full amount with your extension, try to pay as much as possible to reduce or minimize any IRS penalties and interest charges.

Form 4686 is used for personal extensions.

Form 7004 is used for business extensions.

Extensions can either be mailed to the IRS or E-Filed.

CALL 561-746-1926 or 561-339 8102 If you have any questions or concerns about your taxes or would like to schedule  a FREE, Confidential, No-Obligation Tax-Saving Consultation.